Monday, February 16, 2009

NURSING course

question asked for us nursing students.
why do we really take this course?

is it because of the reason that it is the Hottest trend in college nowadays?
or is it because we wanted to go abroad and earn much?

basically, i took this course mainly because of the fact that I love helping people, and extend my helping hands to those who need help.(haha)

when i was a young child, i was dreaming and wanting to help people in the hospital, and even in the community. now im one step closer to this dream to become a nurse.

Im hoping that in this quest that Am going thru I will be able to surpassed and overcome trials that come and might hindered me from my DREAM to become the NEXT ONE!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

`for you J>C>L

wHeneVer uR aRounD, i gEt so unComforTabLe, i gEt so tenSed!..but, desPite oL of thEse, i stiLL feEL gOod insiDe. .

we seLdom taLk, wE seLdom sPend tiMe wiTh iChodEr. .buT i knOw in my hEart tHat tHe frEndship iS stiLL tHere,.,tHe moMents we hAd wEre so inCompaRabLe!!. . i wiLL never foRget tHe mEmoriES i haVe wiD u!!

tiMe mAy kEep uS aPart, buT uL aLways bE a paRt of mE!, a paRt of wHo i aM!!

i hoPe u wont forGet me, for i wiLL nEver foRget u!!

i aM ur frEnd, aNd i wiLL aLways bE uR frEnd!!,.,

Saturday, February 7, 2009

'Philosophical Peace Reflection`

Transformational paradigm at the community level: a proposed formula in the Mindanao conflict

It is important I guess to understand the the nature of the conflict in Mindanao and who are the actors involved. It is always easy to say that the problem in Mindanao is economic and political in nature involving the MILF and the government and the solution is apolitical negotiated settlement and development of Mindanao. But this is only one way of looking at the reality. The other dimension of the problem is deeper than many of us think and what our eyes can see. It has something to do with the way people look at themselves- the way they interpret their history, religion and culture; and the way they look at others.
Hatred, prejudices, biases, suspicion, distrust, traumas, intolerance, and inability to forgive these are the little wars that are going on in the hearts of Muslims, Christians and Indigenous people of Mindanao that prove to be bigger than the real war itself. It is important, therefore, to restore the confidence of’ the people in Peace and for them to understand that they are stakeholders and that they have as much right to be involved in the Peace Process. Happily, this people’s participation in the Peace Process, is a fact that is now recognized both by the government and the MILF. Education plays a very important role in mobilizing people. Education of their rights is a source of power.
Now, let me stress that while a political negotiated settlement is certainly one of the solutions in resolving the Mindanao conflict, it is not the only solution. In fact, Peace Agreements may create a conducive space but they are not a guarantee that there will be instant peace in our communities. A lot of work will have to be done. I remember few years ago the statement made by a speaker on the conference(Mindanao week of peace conference held at Mati Davao oriental) which I attended, he said, “People conflict. The conflict comes from the people. In the same way, people create peace and therefore peace must come from the people.” with this statement It gave me realization that the people itself make conflicts among themselves.
The problem in Mindanao is deep-seated. We do not have to go far to find indications. One only needs to listen with the way members of our timely talk about the Muslims or the Christians or the Lumads. We only need to observe how they look at other people that happen to belong to other religious amid cultural communities. In this sense, the peace process is even more urgent and needed. And there lies the challenge for the government and MILF and among NGOs, church, civil society and the communities in Mindanao
I has been visible how the government implemented rehabilitation projects. Sadly, rehabilitation in most cases only addressed the physical damage caused by the war. Yes, there may be ceasefire on the ground. The people may have returned back to their homes. Roads may have been repaired. Shelters, water facilities and latrines may have been constructed. Livelihood projects may have been implemented. But these interventions only address one aspect of the damage and fail to address the deeper problems that are psychological, social amid relational in nature.
The academic sector also plays an active role in the promotion of peace in Mindanao and educate students with the real conflict that Mindanao is facing and experienced.
In closing, let me reiterate what I have said in the beginning that the Mindanao problem is more than just political and economic in nature. Mindanao Conflict will remain because there are things in this world that are not for sale. And Peace is one of them.

Friday, February 6, 2009

di kita nakita :(

bat ganun? di ko man lng nasilayan ang iyang mukha sa linggong to., pero ayus lng, khit papno eh nagka usap naman tayo.. ahha!
magandang umaga!:D

Thursday, February 5, 2009

because of the influence of BEER!

it’s almost a year since then i knew and heard about this person. Year wherein i kept on dreaming that someday we will meet and greet each other! so on the first day i saw him in school campus., i kept on searching for that person, asking for a data(i mean the name of that person as well as the background). i frequently seen this person in school campus. One day, one of my wildest dream( i mean one of my greatest and i think cheapest dream) was met!, it is when I and my Friend went to TORRES to have some fun(fun that is not wild) fun, to feel relax and all. i never thought that one of my classmate forced this person to be with us on that night(f.y.i this person also love to drink). So, then this person came. i dont know what to do but then I am just Pretending that this person is just new to me, a new friend and stuff!. because of the influenced of alcoholic drink namely RH and EMPI i was given a strength and high confidence to talk this person, and because of feeling tipsy already at the time, i wasn’t expecting that i could talk to this person like just ordinary person. so den til 4 am we were together with my friend and this person.
-the end- haha!

(so the rationale of this story is that drink alcoholic drink to have high self confidence! hahaha! joke2..) soooo happy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

bat nakilala pa kita?

di ko inisip na ikaw'y makikilala ko
akala koy hanggang paghanga nalamang ako sayo!
pero tila kay bait ng tadhana't tayoy pinag kilala!

_hahay! nakakatamad mag isip ng impromptu!_